Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I'm off to Toronto for good times. Actually going for a trade show. Should be a fun time, all that buying and booth's to see.

Went back to visit the old dealership the other day. The atmosphere is fun there, you know everyone, all the sales guys have a sense of humor, laughter and enjoyment. The dark side rarely raises it's ugly head. I heard that things have become yet more aggressive which is too bad for the sales people. It puts alot of pressure on them and puts them in a very uncomfortable spot (if you actually like people) having to hound the heck out of them. Still, it's always nice to visit old friends.

Things I think I think
- I'm going to buy an old car and fix it up. I've decided. Likely choice right now is an 86 Audi.
- I'm scared to hell about working on it. I've got little mechanical ability, but am determined to learn. I was planning on starting with little things and working upwards as my confidence grew into more major things. Apparently, the exhaust manifold is cracked and replacement of it is pretty major. The dude does have another engine for it so he was simply gonna swap engines. I'm paranoid, part of me says might as well plunge ahead and go for broke. The other part of me says "are you nuts, start with changing the oil yourself and move on from there"
- Big Tuna retired. Good move. TO would drive me nuts as well.
- Bowflex is good, solid, but still forsale. I'd rather have the free weights I think.

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